Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by to check out my new blog—Mama's Maze. I am truly excited about starting this blog. God placed this on my heart a while ago so it is awesome to see it come to fruition. I have never done anything like this before, so I am thrilled about venturing into uncharted territory. Writing is a passion of mine, and I love talking about the goodness of God. So what better way to put the two together than in a blog. How did I come up with the name Mama's Maze? Well, one day as I was pondering on what the name of this blog would be, I thought about my experiences as a mother. I mean, after being in the game for five years now, what could I compare motherhood to? After much thought, the word "maze" came to mind. If you have ever been in a maze or played some type of game that had one, you know it can be challenging, frustrating, and rewarding if you ever make it through. There are so many twists and turns that it c...

Being a mother is like wandering through a maze-- there are so many twists and turns that we often lose our way. As a young mom raising three energetic boys (one with Autism Spectrum Disorder and another with Tourette Syndrome), I can attest to feeling puzzled, helpless, and exhausted. Mama’s Maze is intended to encourage and uplift Christian mothers as we walk together in the ministry of motherhood. Let’s journey together!