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Meet LaBreeska!

My name is LaBreeska or Bree as most people call me.  I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at the age of 12. It was the greatest day of my life and the best decision I ever made.  I am so thankful for Christ saving me.  I am originally from Ruston, Louisiana and I graduated from Grambling State University with a BS degree in Accounting in 2005. I worked in the corporate world for a few years before answering the call to motherhood!!  I made the decision along with my husband to quit my job and become a stay at home mom.  Talk about stepping out on faith….whew!  Never did I imagine my life would be the way it is now.  But I am ever so grateful that I was obedient to the will of God for my life. 

A few of my favorite things:  I love to do so many things that it sometimes overwhelms me. One of my passions is writing....which is why I am starting this blog.  I really enjoy sharing stories of my life experiences--the good, bad, and ugly--in hopes that I can encourage and uplift someone. I love talking with other ladies and being a listening ear for them. I also enjoy photography.  It has been a hobby of mine for about the last six years.  I believe in capturing as many memories as you can while you can.  Sewing is another one of my hobbies. Unfortunately, I haven’t made anything in a few years!  It's kind of hard to do with energetic kids running around.  The latest thing I have gotten into is exercise. It has been a great outlet for me. 

My Family:
I have been married to my childhood crush since September 2, 2006.  His name is Jason and you will hear much about him throughout my blogs.  We met in second grade.  He punched me on the playground, and I've been in love ever since. Although I had a major crush on him for years, we did not start dating until my junior year of college!  Yeah, dude was slow, but I love him anyway.  He is an awesome musician, a young minister, and a computer geek.  He is definitely the man that God made for me. We previously resided in Knoxville, TN for over 10 years.  We currently live in Madison, Alabama with our three amazing boys, Jason, Jr. (7), Trenton (5), and Joshua (1 1/2). 

Jason, Jr.
This picture really depicts Trent's personality...full of drama!!

Joshua or as we like to call him "Baby Hulk"

These little guys have changed Big Jason's (that’s how I distinguish between my hubby and my son) and my life forever!!  OMG!  All I can say is that you need two cups of coffee for each hour with them. There is never a dull moment at our house. I find myself saying "Lord, help!" several times a day. However, they are sweet boys, and I love them very much.

In 2014, my oldest son was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum. We have been on quite a ride over the last few years. There have been many ups and downs, but we continue to push through. You will read a lot about this amazing journey that we are on in future posts.

My Hope: It is my hope that this blog will be a blessing to each and every person reading it. I pray that as you read these posts, you will laugh, be encouraged, and be challenged. As mothers we wear so many different hats and it can be overwhelming at times.  Motherhood is like running through a maze. Just when you think you're going in the right direction, you run into a barrier that ultimately sends you on a different path. But here's the good news. You don't have to run it alone. We have Christ to help us. He is here to guide us through the puzzle of motherhood. Christ is indeed our greatest need in life, and through this blog, I hope that people will believe this message and share it with their families.  I am in agreement with Paul when he says in Acts 20:24,"But I count my life of no value to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God's grace." (HCSB)

Let's navigate the twists and turns of motherhood together. Welcome to Mama's Maze! 

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