My dearest Trent, Today is your 6th birthday and I am so grateful that we are able to share it with you. You are a very special little boy and I thank God for blessing us with you. I wanted to write a letter just to show you how much you are loved. Trent, I am sure it can be hard being the middle child sometimes. But please understand that God's timing for your entrance into this world was just right. I remember when I found out you were on the way. It was quite a surprise even though we had prayed to have another child someday. The look on your dad's face was priceless. (I have video footage if you ever want to see it!) A few months later, you made your debut in dramatic fashion. That day was a day that your dad and I will never forget. It was the day that we weren't sure if I was going to make it through your birth. You had decided to come early with no warning at all. I was in a LOT of pain! I can remember laying on that table screaming and crying because somet...

Being a mother is like wandering through a maze-- there are so many twists and turns that we often lose our way. As a young mom raising three energetic boys (one with Autism Spectrum Disorder and another with Tourette Syndrome), I can attest to feeling puzzled, helpless, and exhausted. Mama’s Maze is intended to encourage and uplift Christian mothers as we walk together in the ministry of motherhood. Let’s journey together!