It has been quite a while since my last post. A whirlwind of events have transpired but I am back nevertheless! The biggest news I have to share is that we will be the proud parents of three rambunctious little boys. Yes, baby number three is a little boy. Although my heart was set on a little girl, I have come to understand that God's agenda is what I am following. He knows exactly what/who we need in our lives. My last week or so has been spent getting over the fact that I am not having a girl (Ha!) and changing all of my plans I had for the nursery. My Pinterest app is probably burning up all of my battery power on my phone. But I have been getting excited about the idea of raising up three little men for Christ. Now, for a little transparency. I have to admit that I struggled the day after I found out I was having another boy. Reality had set in. I had so many thoughts running through my head. "But I wanted a girl!" "How will I handle three boys?...

Being a mother is like wandering through a maze-- there are so many twists and turns that we often lose our way. As a young mom raising three energetic boys (one with Autism Spectrum Disorder and another with Tourette Syndrome), I can attest to feeling puzzled, helpless, and exhausted. Mama’s Maze is intended to encourage and uplift Christian mothers as we walk together in the ministry of motherhood. Let’s journey together!