It's 2020, y'all! Happy New Year! You have survived motherhood in 2019! Whoohoo! As a kid, 2020 seemed so far away. It was totally in my plan to be driving around in a flying car by now. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. I can thank the Jetsons and Back to the Future for setting that failed expectation. I can't imagine that I am the only one who was looking forward to this, right? Well, with the new year comes resolutions, goals, promises, etc. No matter what you choose to call them, most people want this year to be better than the previous one. And for that to happen, we believe we must change something. It may be changes to our physical appearances (the gyms are making a killing around this time of year), our attitudes, our relationships, or even our business plans. There is nothing wrong with any of that. And if achieved, most of these things can bring some joy and fulfillment to our lives. But if you are like me, most of those go out of the window within t...

Being a mother is like wandering through a maze-- there are so many twists and turns that we often lose our way. As a young mom raising three energetic boys (one with Autism Spectrum Disorder and another with Tourette Syndrome), I can attest to feeling puzzled, helpless, and exhausted. Mama’s Maze is intended to encourage and uplift Christian mothers as we walk together in the ministry of motherhood. Let’s journey together!