Well its finally here. Mother's Day. The one day a year where moms everywhere are supposed to feel loved, appreciated, and adored. For me it’s a day of relaxation or a day to just do some of the things that I want to do. It is one of the days that I look forward to each year. As the day approached this year, I started to think about what motherhood should look like as it relates to Christians. It's our ministry. It's our calling. While thinking about this, I was reminded of a message I shared a few years ago with a church in Tennessee for their Mother's Day Luncheon. So I would like to share some brief thoughts from that message with you over the next couple of blog posts. ****************************************************************************** Are you striving to be a "good" mother or a godly mother? When God first spoke this question to me, it immediately struck my heart because for so long I was worried about being a good mother and concerne...

Being a mother is like wandering through a maze-- there are so many twists and turns that we often lose our way. As a young mom raising three energetic boys (one with Autism Spectrum Disorder and another with Tourette Syndrome), I can attest to feeling puzzled, helpless, and exhausted. Mama’s Maze is intended to encourage and uplift Christian mothers as we walk together in the ministry of motherhood. Let’s journey together!