My dearest Trent,
Today is your 6th
birthday and I am so grateful that we are able to share it with you. You are a
very special little boy and I thank God for blessing us with you. I wanted to
write a letter just to show you how much you are loved.
Trent, I am sure it
can be hard being the middle child sometimes. But please understand that God's
timing for your entrance into this world was just right. I remember when I
found out you were on the way. It was quite a surprise even though we had
prayed to have another child someday. The look on your dad's face was
priceless. (I have video footage if you ever want to see it!) A few months
later, you made your debut in dramatic fashion. That day was a day that your
dad and I will never forget. It was the
day that we weren't sure if I was going to make it through your birth. You had
decided to come early with no warning at all. I was in a LOT of pain! I can
remember laying on that table screaming and crying because something wasn’t
right. But somewhere in all of that chaos, I found time to pray and I asked God
(because I was pretty sure that I was dying) to just let me see you once before
he took me to heaven. And I saw your little face, and my heart melted. I smiled
because you were adorable and breathing.
I cried because I loved you and I did not know what was about to happen
to me. But God, in his grace and mercy, allowed me to survive. Even though
there were complications after the fact that landed me in the hospital again
and separated me from you for a few days, God was faithful. So when I look at you, Trent, I am reminded
of God's faithfulness, his unfailing love for our family, and his miraculous
Trent, I want you to
know how proud we are to be your parents. You amaze me every day. The way you
soak up the biblical instruction that we try to teach you and your brothers is
awesome. You have a knack for dropping little nuggets of wisdom here and there
(and immediately returning back to your silly nature). "Mr.
Entertainment" is what you should be called. Your ability to bring joy to
people and make them smile is a gift….a gift I hope one day you can use in the
kingdom of God.
Son, I am thankful
that you love God. I encourage you to walk closely with him and listen for his
voice. I pray that you desire to have a relationship with Jesus and share him
with others. There is so much potential I see working inside of you, that it literally
gives me goosebumps to think of what you can become. We can't wait to see what
great things are in store for you, Trent-- and there are many!
I love you
sweetheart! Happy birthday!!
Child of mine, I really thank you for sharing your love for your sons with us. I really agree that Trent's has so much entertainment in him. We join you in thanking God for sparing your life. This one touched my heart and even brought tears to my eyes. Keep right on glorifying God in the way you and your husband are raising your three sons. As your parents, we are very proud of you both. Love yourmamma
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration to all women regardless of age, ethic background or rather if there's a child in their life at this moment. The sharing of your personal journey are words of fulfilment, joy, love, and wisdom. Only the anointed hand of Christ could have given you such a gift. I pray that you will continue to share your blessings.