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My Dearest Joshua

My dearest Joshua,

Today, we celebrate your second birthday. I thought it would be a good idea to write you a letter. I know you won't remember much about this day, but this is a really special day and I want you to always know that on this day we honored you.

Over the last few days, as we anticipated this day, many thoughts crossed my mind. It was on my heart to share with you just how special you are and how grateful we are for your presence. I think back to when I first found out we were expecting you. I was shocked needless to say. You were a total surprise…a pleasant one. I was a bit overwhelmed at first because I wasn’t sure how we would handle three kids. I was scared because I had such a traumatic experience during and after the birth of your brother Trent. I was worried because your brother Jason had challenges and I did not want that for your life. But after filtering through all of those feelings, I found myself back in a place of hope. I became hopeful because I knew who created you. I knew the one who knew you before you were even formed in my womb. And I knew that EVERYTHING he does, is for a reason. Son, that person is Jesus and I pray that one day you will come to know him and have a personal relationship with him. I have prayed for that day ever since I knew you were coming. And I will never stop praying for that. I promise he will be the best friend you could ever have.

Joshua, I want you to know that I love being your mother. I am grateful that God has allowed me to be your mom. In the two years you have been on this Earth, you have brought amazing joy to our family. Your smile brightens up a room and your laugh is infectious. I love your fighting spirit and that you don’t back down quickly. That quality is going to become quite handy for the kingdom of God I am sure.

Tonight, as I was rocking you to sleep and singing to you (Lord help your ears!), I thought about how fast you are growing up and how we can never get these moments back. I just really want to cherish all of the time I have with you and your brothers. I want to make these moments count--even if that means getting on your nerves for the rest of your life. 😁

Son, as you continue to grow into a man, I encourage you to cling close to God. Make him priority in your life and watch how he blesses you. Please know that even when we, as your parents, can't be with you, God will ALWAYS be there. He said he would never leave you nor forsake you. That’s a promise that your dad and I hold onto when things get tough. And believe me when I say, you will have tough times in life. But use that fighting spirit and determination that you have to push through every situation. Don't let anything or anyone keep you down.

I also encourage you to let your gifts shine. Use your gifts and talents to point people to Christ. Use your gifts to help lift others up. Serve others with love and compassion. And should God bless you to have a family of your own one day, lead them to always seek first the kingdom of God. Exhibit for them what a godly husband and father looks like. (Your dad is a wonderful example, if you ever forget.)

Joshua, I know you are going to do well in life. I love you and look forward to watching you grow!


Happy 2nd birthday!!!


  1. So sweet and loving! Happy birthday to him! 🎉 Two years already...

  2. Daughter; I am so glad God allowed you the time to get back to your blog. Thank God for you writing this birthday letter to your two year old. This will be something he will treasure for years to come. Your dad and I join you in saying"H-A-P-P-Y-B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y!! You are so right about Joshua's smile being infectious. Love Always Yourmamma


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